Saturday, May 23, 2009

Episode 20: Obligated by International Law

A direct continuation of Episode 19. I'd type more, but there is quite the mess in my bedroom, apparently.

Smack up the title or to listen.

Also: I seriously apologize for the garbling. I know it kills a couple jokes, but there's nothing we can do to fix it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Episode 19: Excellent Spatial Reasoning

Another week, another Audition. This time we have the mysterious Bob joining us. To be honest, I probably deserve this.

Also, as mentioned, we have a new song up, the incredible Bear Batman. If you haven't listened, get there as quick as you can. If you hae, listen again, get our rating back up. We're so close to being in the top 100 for Rock General, and we can get back into the top 10 of Hard Rock easy. The link for that is , and if you roam around there you can find some of our old stuff as well.

As for the podcast, hit the title or to listen.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Episode 18: Robot with Genitals

Time for another audition, this time Raine Lawliet from . This time around, our Manager takes an active role in the process. For Raine, this is unfortunate.

Slap up the title or hit to listen.